If you are at the stage of your business or life right now where you are considering getting a coach, then the answer to whether or not coaching is for you is “probably.” I say this with some confidence because if you are considering getting coaching, then it means there is something that you want to change or improve. If you are happy where you’re at – or worse, “comfortable” with where you’re at right now – then you probably aren’t considering coaching, and probably aren’t even reading this article.

A coach (a good coach, anyway) is going to push you out of your comfort zone. A good coach is going to challenge and push you to achieve the results you want, and aren’t currently getting. There is work and learning involved. Taking risks, trying new things, making decisions more quickly. In short, a good coach is going to make things harder, to make things easier. As the saying goes, “Do the hard thing today, have an easy life tomorrow. Do the easy thing today, have a hard life tomorrow.”

So if you’re not looking to change your results, your life, or your business, then why have a coach? When you’re not looking to change, a coach will just annoy you (and you will frustrate the coach).

But if you are looking to improve or grow your business faster than you currently are, then yes, coaching will very likely help you get there.

One quick and easy way to assess whether you need a coach right now is to take our 3-minute business self-assessment, by clicking this link: https://andrewgoldberg.nextlevelassessment.co.uk/

If you would rather not take the assessment right now, you can ask yourself the following few questions instead:

  1. Do I want more from my business? (more money, more time, more freedom, higher performing team, more sales, more profit, healthier cashflow, etc…)
  2. Do I have dreams that I want to realise? (even if you don’t, you might need a coach to help you dream bigger)
  3. Am I willing to learn and grow myself, in order to grow my results?
  4. Am I willing to change the way I do things, to change my results?
  5. Am I coachable? In other words, am I open to the possibility of getting outside help? Am I open to somebody holding me accountable to doing what I say I’m going to do? (Remember, most business owners got into business for themselves so they wouldn’t have to answer to anybody else. Well, when you have a coach, in some degree you are answering to that coach!)

Think of having a coach like having a board of directors that you have to report to every so often with your results and your plan to continue improving those results. Your board may delve deeper into what you’re doing to ensure you are maximising your performance. They may ask you questions, offer advice, and get you to commit to taking action. They will then hold you accountable to having completed those actions. And don’t forget – it’s all with the intention of helping you and the business get better.

Most importantly, coaching will work for you if you “back yourself.” If you feel you are ready to step up and work hard to achieve your greatest potential, and not quit when things don’t always go your way, then you are already halfway there. You are destined for greater things, perhaps even without a coach, but a coach will help ensure you get there, and get there quicker. And a good coach won’t ever give up on you.

Find out more about what ActionCOACH can do for your business. Or if you simply have a question about something you’ve read here, don’t hesitate to get in touch. Email me at andrewgoldberg@actioncoach.com.